Making the Choice: Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments

Today patients have many choices on how to treat their advanced prostate cancer. There are many new therapies that have been approved by the FDA in the last few years and more are in development for the future. It can be challenging to decide which treatment to choose.

When patients are deciding on their course of action there a many important things to consider.

What are the Possible Side Effects?

As patients weight their options they need to consider their quality of life. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of each possible treatment with your doctor. Ask them to tell you about any side effects that medications may have both long term and short term.

Some drugs have risks such as muscle weakness or nausea. It is important to weigh those side effects against the benefits of that particular drug.

Take a Good Look at the Costs

Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor about the cost of certain treatments. Doctors understand that patients are very worried about the cost of care. Your doctor might not initially bring up the subject, but you can initiate the conversation by saying something like “Is there any way I can get an estimate on the costs of my cancer treatment before we start it?” Your doctor should be glad to help address these valid concerns.

Consider Your Family History

Doctors always ask whether prostate cancer runs in the family. And for good reason. The family history can influence the treatment plan that they suggest for you. For instance, a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine determined that more than 10% of men with advanced prostate cancer have a genetic mutation that raises the chance of having cancer.

Schedule of Treatment

You need to carefully consider how the treatment you choose affects might your daily routine. Questions like these are very relevant:
• Will I need to leave work/take vacation time early to get treatment?
• What will the arrangements be for transportation to get to and from the treatment center?
• If you have a caregiver, determine whether the treatment works with their job and schedule.

There is no treatment available, no matter how advanced it is, that will work if you don’t stick to it/remain compliant to the schedule. Some treatments have schedules that are more flexible than others so discuss that with your doctor.

Carefully Factor in Any Additional Health Problems You May Have

Many times your overall health will determine how well you handle a particular treatment. 66 is the average age of prostate cancer diagnosis in the U.S. Men with advanced prostate cancer are on average, about 10 years older when they get diagnosed. During your mid 70’s and later, patients are more likely to have long-term health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. These conditions can complicate cancer treatment.

Determine the Level of Your Personal Support Network

When you need treatment for prostate cancer, ask for help and support. Tell your family and friends and let them give you some assistance. That kind of help can be invaluable. You can also hire reliable staff that can be of aid. Your doctor or a staff member at the clinic may know about local organizations that offer discounted home care services.

Eating Right is Especially Important When You Have Prostate Cancer

Cancer treatments can cause side effects. These side effects are often more pronounced when patients are not eating enough and/or are not eating the right foods. Prostate cancer patients need to maintain good nutrition to feel their best and have the most energy possible. Here are some strategies to improve your diet:

Set a goal to meet your basic calorie needs.

For a cancer patient, the estimated calorie needs can be determined by multiplying their weight x 15 calories a pound (if their weight has been stable). If the patient has lost weight another 500 calories per day can be added. Example: A person who weighs 150 lbs. needs about 2,250 calories per day to maintain his or her weight.

Plenty of protein is recommended.

To rebuild and repair damaged and normally aging body tissue, protein can be an important factor. The estimated protein needs are 0.5 to 0.6 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Example: A 150-pound person needs 75 to 90 grams of protein per day.

The best sources of protein include foods from the dairy group (8 oz. milk = 8 grams protein) and meats (meat, fish, or poultry = 7 grams of protein per ounce), as well as eggs and legumes (beans).

Make sure to stay hydrated.

In general, people should take in between 30 and 50 ounces of fluid daily to prevent dehydration. (That’s 1 to 1.5 liters). Fluids can come in many types including water, juice, milk, broth, and milkshakes, as well as gelatin, fruits, and salads. The need to stay hydrated becomes very important if you have treatment side effects such as vomiting or diarrhea.

Keep in mind that beverages containing caffeine do not count as much, because they may make you urinate out as much or more than you take in.

Get your vitamins.

If you are not sure you are getting enough nutrients it’s a good idea to take a vitamin supplement. A multivitamin that provides at least 100% of the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for most nutrients is a good option.

Make an appointment with a dietitian.

You can get a great deal of help from a registered dietitian who can provide suggestions to work around any eating problems that may be interfering with proper nutrition (such as early feeling of fullness, swallowing difficulty, or taste changes).

A dietitian can also help you maximize calories and show you how to include proteins in smaller amounts of food (such as powdered milk, instant breakfast drinks, and other commercial supplements or food additives).

Users of smokeless tobacco product were found to have higher risk of death from prostate cancer

According to a new study, snus, a smokeless tobacco product, may increase a prostate cancer patient’s risk of death.

Some have suggested that because it lacks the combustive effects of smoking, that snus is a less a harmful alternative to smoking.

However, researchers found the men who used snus and had prostate cancer were at increased risk of premature death.

Pronounced as though it rhymes with “goose”, snus is used mainly in Sweden but is also available in the United States. Sold most often in a bag resembling a tea bag, users place the powdered tobacco product under the upper lip for extended periods.

The researchers investigating snus users, found that, compared with men who never used tobacco, those non-smokers who used snus had a 24 percent higher risk of death from prostate cancer during the study period. They also had a 19 percent higher risk of death from any cause.

The study found that for those non-smokers who used snus whose cancer had not spread; these patients were three times more likely to die from prostate cancer than those who never used tobacco.

The study co-author concluded that there is some evidence from animal studies that nicotine can promote cancer progression, and snus users have high blood levels of nicotine. Although snus is a smokeless product, users are still exposed to other carcinogens in tobacco.

The results of the study suggest that the health effects of smokeless tobacco products can be detrimental to men diagnosed with prostate cancer.

New research regarding prostate cancer prevention

Researchers continue to look for foods (or substances in them) that can help lower prostate cancer risk. Scientists have found some substances in tomatoes (lycopenes) and soybeans (isoflavones) that might help prevent prostate cancer. Studies are now looking at the possible effects of these compounds more closely.

Scientists are also trying to develop related compounds that are even more potent and might be used as dietary supplements. So far, most research suggests that a balanced diet including these foods as well as other fruits and vegetables is probably of greater benefit than taking these substances as dietary supplements.

One vitamin that may be important in prevention is vitamin D. Some studies have found that men with high levels of vitamin D seem to have a lower risk of developing the more lethal forms of prostate cancer. Overall though, studies have not found that vitamin D protects against prostate cancer.

Many people assume that vitamins and other natural substances are safe to take, but recent research has shown that high doses of some may be harmful, including those in supplements marketed specifically for prostate cancer. For example, one study found that men who take more than 7 multivitamin tablets per week may have an increased risk of developing advanced prostate cancer. Another study showed a higher risk of prostate cancer in men who had high blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil capsules, which some people take to help with their heart, contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

Some research has suggested that men who take a daily aspirin for a long time might have a lower risk of getting and dying from prostate cancer. Still, more research is needed to confirm this, and to confirm that any benefit outweighs potential risks, such as bleeding.

Scientists have also tested certain hormonal medicines called 5-alpha reductase inhibitors as a way of reducing prostate cancer risk

PSA Testing Differs Among Primary Care Doctors, Urologists

When it comes to prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing, a new study reports that urologists are far more likely than primary care doctors to do perform these prostate cancer screenings.

The test is simple. blood sample is taken and sent to a laboratory to check for levels of a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland.

After the U.S. Preventative Services Task force recommended against routinely screening all men in 2011, PSA testing declined overall. New research shows that the decline in number of men tested was sharper among primary care doctors than urologists.

PSA testing decreased from 36 percent to 16 percent at primary care physician visits between 2010 and 2012. Researchers found that the decline in PSA testing was much smaller in urologist visits, dropping from 39 percent to 34 percent.

This discrepancy may reflect different perceptions of the benefits of the test among doctors, according to a study published online in JAMA Internal Medicine.

This much larger decline in PSA testing among primary care doctors could also stem from conflicting prostate cancer screening guidelines and differences in patients’ demographics or expectations, the study authors suggested.

The research team used the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey to examine PSA testing one year before and one year after the task force recommendations were issued.

The study involved nearly 1,200 preventive office visits made by men aged 50 to 74 who were not diagnosed with cancer or any other prostate condition. Primary care doctors were seen in 1,100 of these visits. The others were examined by a urologist, a doctor who specializes in the urinary tract.

New Research Into The Prevention Of Prostate Cancer

Researchers continue to look for foods (or substances in them) that can help lower prostate cancer risk. Scientists have found some substances in tomatoes (lycopenes) and soybeans (isoflavones) that might help prevent prostate cancer. Studies are now looking at the possible effects of these compounds more closely. Scientists are also trying to develop related compounds that are even more potent and might be used as dietary supplements. So far, most research suggests that a balanced diet including these foods as well as other fruits and vegetables is of greater benefit than taking these substances as dietary supplements.

Some studies have suggested that certain vitamin and mineral supplements (such as vitamin E and selenium) might lower prostate cancer risk. But a large study of this issue, called the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT), found that neither vitamin E nor selenium supplements lowered prostate cancer risk after daily use for about 5 years. In fact, men taking the vitamin E supplements were later found to have a slightly higher risk of prostate cancer.

Another vitamin that may be important is vitamin D. Some studies have found that men with high levels of vitamin D seem to have a lower risk of developing the more lethal forms of prostate cancer. Overall though, studies have not found that vitamin D protects against prostate cancer.
Many people assume that vitamins and other natural substances cause no harm, but recent research has shown that high doses may be harmful, including those in supplements marketed specifically for prostate cancer. For example, one study found that men who take more than 7 multivitamin tablets per week may have an increased risk of developing advanced prostate cancer. Another study showed a higher risk of prostate cancer in men who had high blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil capsules, which some people take to help with their heart, contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

Some research has suggested that men who take aspirin daily for a long time might have a lower risk of getting and dying from prostate cancer, but more research is needed to confirm this.
Scientists have also tested certain hormonal medicines called 5-alpha reductase inhibitors as a way of reducing prostate cancer risk.

Chemotherapy in combination with hormone therapy in advanced prostate cancer

A new study has concluded that chemotherapy at the start of hormone therapy can extend the lives of men with prostate cancer that has spread beyond the gland.

Over nearly 29 months of follow-up, men with advanced prostate cancer who received the combination therapy lived almost 14 months longer than men who received only hormone therapy (58 months versus 44 months), researchers said.

Men who have hormone-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer should consider speaking with their doctors about having this combination treatment to significantly prolong their survival. For 50 years, hormone therapy has been the standard care for these patients, but adding chemotherapy to hormone therapy may be worth doing because even though it’s not a cure, it could very well improve survival and quality of life.

The study was funded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute, and the report was published Aug. 5 online in the New England Journal of Medicine.

For the study, 790 men with prostate cancer, average age 63 were randomly assigned to have either chemotherapy plus hormone therapy or hormone therapy alone.

In addition to the survival benefit, men who received the combination of chemotherapy and hormone therapy saw their cancer remain dormant for more than 20 months before it began to progress, compared with close to 12 months among those who only received hormone therapy, researchers found.

The side effects of the chemotherapy were mild, in general. Fatigue, low white blood cell count and infection were the most common side effects, the study said.

One of the criteria for the treatment is that patients should be able to handle the chemotherapy. If they have other conditions such as liver or kidney disease, they should not be getting chemotherapy. In the study, the greatest benefit was seen in men who had four or more tumors outside the prostate.

Other studies have confirmed these findings.

Common Myths About Prostate Cancer

Myth Number One: Everyone that gets prostate cancer will die of the disease.

Fact: Checking for prostate cancer is incredibly important, but patients with prostate cancer are likely live to an old age and/or die of some other cause. Detecting prostate cancer early and working with expert doctors like Dr. Gaertner and Dr. Knoedler on a treatment plan is crucial.

Myth Number Two: If you have high PSA score that you definitely have prostate cancer.

Fact: Some high PSA scores can be due to an inflammation in the prostate or an enlarged prostate. The PSA score is a guideline to help Dr. Knoedler or Dr. Gaertner decide if you need more tests to check for prostate cancer. The doctors are interested in your PSA score over time. If it continues to increase it could be a sign of a problem. If it decreases after cancer treatment that is great.

Patients at Metro Urology now have access to UroNav, which is an MRI assisted, ultrasound-guided biopsy technique which provides a new level of accuracy to the detection of prostate cancer. Because it can detect prostate cancers in hard to find areas of the prostate, UroNav can reduce the need for multiple biopsies and find cancers in men with previous negative biopsies but high/rising PSA scores.

UroNav is a new high tech approach to the diagnosis of prostate cancer and Metro Urology is the only private urology practice in the Twin Cities to have this technology. UroNav testing has already found aggressive prostate cancers in men with previous negative biopsies.

Myth Three: Prostate cancer surgery will ultimately end your sex life and cause urine leakage.

Fact; Sex Life: Using the highest tech equipment to perform robotic surgery with the da Vinci system, Dr. Knoedler and Dr. Gaertner work to spare the nerves that help trigger erections. Because of their combined talents they have a great success rate with patients that are able to have an erection strong enough for sex again. Depending on the patient, recovery can take from 4 to 24 months, maybe longer and in general younger men usually recover sooner.

Fact; Urine Leakage: While urine leakage is common immediately after surgery it is almost always temporary. Dr. Gaertner and Dr. Knoedler have an excellent success rate in this area and within a year, approximately 95% of men have as much bladder control as they did before surgery.

Myth Four: The only men at risk of prostate cancer are elderly.

Fact: Although prostate cancer is fairly rare for men under 40 some men should be tested earlier. Age is not the only risk factor for the disease. Others include:

  • Family history. For patients whose father or brother had prostate cancer, their own risk doubles or triples. The more relatives a patient has with the disease, the greater their chances of getting it.
  • Race. African-American men have a higher risk of prostate cancer than men of other races, the reason is still unknown.

Talk to Dr. Gaertner and Dr. Knoedler about when you should start PSA testing.

Myth Five: Patients must have all prostate cancers treated.

Fact: In some cases patients and their doctors may decide not to treat prostate cancer. Reasons include:

  • If the cancer is at an early stage and is growing very slowly.
  • If the patient is elderly and has other illnesses. In cases like these the treatment for prostate cancer may not prolong life and may actually complicate care for other health problems.

In such cases Dr. Gaertner and Dr. Knoedler may suggest “active surveillance.” This means that they will regularly check the patient to make sure the cancer does not worsen. If the situation changes, the doctors may decide to start treatment.

15 Cancer Symptoms Men Tend to Ignore

One of the best ways to fight cancer is to catch it in the early stages, when it’s more treatable. The problem is that the warning signs for many kinds of cancer can seem pretty mild.

Take a look at these 15 signs and symptoms. Some are linked more strongly to cancer than others, but all are worth knowing about — and even talking over with your doctor.

1. Problems When You Pee

Many men have some problems peeing as they get older, like:

  • A need to pee more often, especially at night
  • Dribbling, leaking, or an urgent need to go
  • Trouble starting to pee, or a weak stream

An enlarged prostate gland usually causes these symptoms, but so can prostate cancer. See your doctor to check on the cause of the problem. He’ll give you an exam to look for an enlarged prostate, and he may talk to you about a blood test (called a PSA test) for prostate cancer.

2. Changes in Your Testicles

If you notice a lump, heaviness, or any other change in your testicle, never delay having it looked at. Unlike prostate cancer, which grows slowly, testicular cancer can take off overnight. Your doctor will look for any problems with a physical exam, blood tests, and an ultrasound of your scrotum.

3. Blood in Your Pee or Stool

These can be among the first signs of cancer of the bladder, kidneys, or colon. It’s a good idea to see your doctor for any bleeding that’s not normal, even if you don’t have other symptoms. Although you’re more likely to have a problem that’s not cancer, like hemorrhoids or a urinary infection, it’s important to find and treat the cause.

4. Skin Changes

When you notice a change in the size, shape, or color of a mole or other spot on your skin, see your doctor as soon as you can. Spots that are new or look different are top signs of skin cancer. You’ll need an exam and perhaps a biopsy, which means doctors remove a small piece of tissue for testing. With skin cancer, you don’t want to wait.

5. Changes in Lymph Nodes

Swollen lymph nodes, small bean-shaped glands found in your neck, armpits, and other places, often signal that something’s going on in your body. Usually, they mean your immune system is fighting a sore throat or cold, but certain cancers also can make them change. Have your doctor check any swelling that doesn’t get better in 2 to 4 weeks.

6. Trouble Swallowing

Some people have trouble swallowing from time to time. But if your problems don’t go away and you’re also losing weight or vomiting, your doctor may want to check you for throat or stomach cancer. He’ll start with a throat exam and barium X-ray. During a barium test, you drink a special liquid that makes your throat stand out on the X-ray.

7. Heartburn

You can take care of most cases of heartburn with changes to your diet, drinking habits, and stress levels. If that doesn’t help, ask your doctor to look into your symptoms. Heartburn that doesn’t go away or gets worse could mean stomach or throat cancer.

8. Mouth Changes

If you smoke or chew tobacco, you have a higher risk of mouth cancer. Keep an eye out for white or red patches inside your mouth or on your lips. Talk to your doctor or dentist about tests and treatments.

9. Weight Loss Without Trying

Pants fitting a little looser? If you haven’t changed your diet or exercise habits, it could mean that stress or a thyroid problem is taking a toll. But losing 10 pounds or more without trying isn’t normal. Although most unintended weight loss is not cancer, it’s one of the signs of cancer of the pancreas, stomach, or lungs. Your doctor can find out more with blood tests and tools that make detailed pictures of the inside of your body, like a CT or PET scan.

10. Fever

A fever is usually not a bad thing — it means your body is fighting an infection. But one that won’t go away and doesn’t have an explanation could signal leukemia or another blood cancer. Your doctor should take your medical history and give you a physical exam to check on the cause.

11. Breast Changes

Men tend to ignore breast lumps because breast cancer isn’t on their radar. But 1% of all breast cancers occur in men, although they’re usually diagnosed much later. Don’t take any chances. If you find a lump, tell your doctor and have it checked.

12. Fatigue

Many types of cancer cause a bone-deep tiredness that never gets better, no matter how much rest you get. It’s different from the exhaustion you feel after a hectic week or a lot of activity. If fatigue is affecting your daily life, talk to your doctor who can help you find the cause and let you know if there are ways to treat it.

13. Cough

In nonsmokers, a nagging cough is almost never cancer. Most go away after 3 to 4 weeks. If yours doesn’t, and you’re short of breath or cough up blood, don’t delay a visit to your doctor, especially if you smoke. A cough is the most common sign of lung cancer. Your doctor can test mucus from your lungs to see if you have an infection. He may also give you a chest X-ray to check for another problem.

14. Pain

Cancer doesn’t cause most aches and pains, but if you’re hurting for more than a month, don’t just grin and bear it. Ongoing pain can be a signal of many types of cancer, especially those that have spread.

15. Belly Pain and Depression

It’s rare, but depression along with stomach pain can be a sign of cancer of the pancreas. Should you worry? Not unless this cancer runs in your family. Then you need to see your doctor.